Nature can be called as the superset of all that is experienced and exist. From a long time mankind faced a problem and it came to him in the silent hours when he reflected upon his own existence. A few people really could reflect upon and the others gave themselves into meeting their biological needs, solving problems of the struggle for existence. To those few men numerous questions arose, bizarre questions they were and almost everything seemed like puzzle. The movement of the heavenly bodies, drop of water, waves in the sea, the sun light that peeks into his dark corner, everything questioned him "why do we behave like the way we do?" But no answer came to him, he thought of an Almighty that is playing with the nature to make it act the way it does, numerous cults, customs and religion came into being by providing fanciful theories. Most of the people tended to accept such explanation without further inquiry but they did so having no other alternate. Still, a few were not satisfied, they questioned the traditional explanation; took great pains to solve the murmuring questions that kept puzzling him and asked people to adopt rational explanation of the nature and thus physics was born.
In this new paradigm of rationalism one cannot deny the existence of the Almighty but one becomes more aware of His creation of what Stephen Hawkins has referred "knowing the mind of God" Another expect that comes directly is the fact that God must have created his creation by some laws that he doesn't like to change them. He is therefore not arbitrary.
Questions that come naturally to a man, he sees things happen and questions "why?" Entertaining such questions is the aim of this blog. Common man is not bothered questioning how electrons and protons behave, whether neutrinos has got mass or not or whether membranes are the ultimate structure of matter but he is bothered if his fridge doesn't work, his electric bills take a heavy toll on his pocket or an earthquake or tsunami plunders his home or why he has got asthma/cancer at this early age. There comes his question and this blog aims to give him the answer. Its prime aim is to campaign green revolution and aware its readers the scope of physics in the service of mankind, life on earth and betterment of Earth.
Physics is the basic of all sciences that answers to our daily questions but has been one of the most dreaded subjects with unfriendly equations that keep it out of the reach of the layman, so our work will not be left wanting if we are able to give equations a voice to tell...a place is there for everybody even for the layman...