Tomatoes, Potatoes, Oils in Kitchen, sound fine, Now what about Physics in kitchen. (This blogger must have gone crazy, he takes oven for a nuclear reactor!) Nope, I am not crazy and yes there is kitchen physics along with kitchen chemistry; Although, the later is far more popular. Now, let us turn our attention towards the Big Boss in Kitchen (She is no ordinary human being but a full fledged yet "peaceful" Dragon ) ...And what she has to tell us about Kitchen Physics.
Me: "Hey Dragon! it's late afternoon what are you innovating there there so something special delicacy is to be prepared?"
Dragon: "Yes! delicacies are being prepared, but hey I am getting difficulties with my kitchen appliances that keep on failing all the time."
Me: "They must be scared of you lolz, why what's up?"
Dragon: "See this time my gas lighter has failed, I wonder why... perhaps it's battery has gone out"
Me: "Lemme look at the lighter you've got... Lol your lighter don't need batteries, Now can you tell me how electric sparks are generated even if there is no batteries there"
Dragon: "Because I am standing near it!! DUH"
Just look at her simplicity, she thinks it works because she is near, may be she thinks there's some hmmm factor.
Then, I tried to explain her the Kitchen Physics about the lighter
Me: "See Dragon, many of us don't know that the electric sparks made by portable gas lighters are not driven by batteries. A peculiar principle of physics is associated with it, it is known as "piezoelectric property". What happens is, by the virtue of piezoelectric property some crystals like quartz tend to develop a voltage across it when it is deformed by mechanical pressure. Now such voltages can really be very high like in the order of thousands of volts. In the piezoelectric-ignition lighters a spring hammer is used to strike a quartz crystal which results in a sudden deformation of the crystal followed by a voltage of several thousand volts, this is then led to the spark knobs by connecting wires and we get sparks.
Look at its internal construction to know it better"
Dragon :"I've understood a lot"
Dragon: "That's it, still I'm right coz I need to be near to strike the lighter tho"
Me: "Dragon don't you think it's getting late for the luncheon."
Dragon: "Yup, and ask me why (why?) coz my pressure cooker has gone kaput"
Me: "Dragon you need an exorcist to exorcise the demon out of ya kitchen"
Dragon: "No demons here (and if she says no demon there's no demon...she knows it better :D) I have got my big pan and it can cook faster"
Me: "No Dragon, it's impossible, your wide pan is no a match for the pressure cooker, the later cooks a way more faster, now, Dragon do you know why pressure cooks faster?"
Dragon: "Water boils at a higher temperature under pressure. (Ha, don’t we all?)"
And she is right with that one.
Me: "Absolutely right! But lemme explain: See Dragon, the primary use of a pressure cooker is to boil food stuff, But some hardy cereals and food stuffs need a lot of boiling to soften, increasing the temperature to speed up the boiling process don't work here because in case of water one cannot rise the temperature beyond 100 Celsius at ordinary condition(i.e. under normal atmospheric pressure). It is because water boils and evaporates at this temperature.The simple principle says water or any other liquid's boiling point depends upon the atmospheric pressure on its surface. If the atmospheric pressure is high boiling point is high and vice-versa. In pressure cookers we increase the surface pressure on the liquid by heating the submerged food stuffs under air tight condition. This rises the vapor pressure owning to heating. This increment in the pressure rises the boiling point of water to a temperature more than 100 Celsius and thus water remains liquid at higher temperature and cooking process fastens."
Dragon: "I knew it (know who's the Boss)"
Me: "Okay Dragon now that you know boiling process can you tell me why water boils quicker in high altitudes than in plains?"
Dragon: "Same … Atmospheric Pressure!!"
She is right with this too.
Me: "Yes, you are right, with altitude atmospheric pressure liquids attain the low atmospheric pressure at lower temp. than in plains"
Dragon: "It's good that you know how stuffs work, see my kitchen is messed up by failing appliances. Here just see my exhaust chimney has failed. And don't ask me how it works because this one I know better."
Me: "What do you know?"
Dragon: "It SUCKS.. haha Sucks the air OUT"
Me: "O yeah I know that you know but let me tell you the kitchen physics behind it. An exhaust fan converts rotational motion into a thrust...A pressure difference is produced between the forward and rear surfaces of the specially shaped blade, and air is accelerated behind the blade, that is, if you turn a screw it moves forward or reverse depending upon the direction of rotation... so happens in the case of a exhaust fan..if you move the blades clock wise air moves forward... and counter clock wise air moves backward."
Dragon: "Still it sucks... now mend it fast!"
Dragon: "Well, my sink is congested, just see at the inundated sink, bowls floating spoons sunk, horrible I need to clear the pipes"
Me: "Hey now another question is ready, so Dragon can you tell me why the spoon sunk and the bowl is floating?"
Dragon: "Grrrr..... (I tried to hide behind refrigerator, you can't predict about a dragon, make her angry and she gonna turn you into minced meat in seconds) ...after she calmed down....she answered "A spoon has a flat end…"
Me: "O my dear how do you know everything :D. Let me explain some kitchen physics responsible for the phenomena. A body floats in a liquid, in this case water, if the weight of the water displaced by it is more than or equal to its weight. Spoon has got a smaller volume and has a higher mass, i.e. high density, therefore, when it is thrown in water; the water displaced is less thus the weight of the displaced water is less than the weight of the spoon. And it submerges. While a bowl has got a large surface area (therefore high density) hence it can displace volume of water more than a spoon does, so the weight of the water displaced by a bowl is equal to the weight of the weight of the bowl and hence it floats" (Archimedes Principle)
Dragon : "Okay now leave the kitchen physics, chicken physics is more important for ya tummy"
Dinner is ready...yum...what an aroma .....We started enjoying the delicacies..she was not angry no more.
Finally she told me about her failed microwave oven and I got a chance to ask her another question.
Me: "How does a microwave oven work?"
She had no idea on it
Dragon: "It is a magic" I wondered where the wand was.
Me: "See, I'll explain you it's simple. A microwave oven sends out microwaves of high frequency, wanna know how fast it is? I bet you must leave the poorly finger counting that you do. It is approximately 2500,000,000 vibrations a second.. and what happens such high vibrations makes the water, other food material molecules vibrate and such tremendous pace of vibrations gives out heat and heats up our food stuffs...what if your rub your hands even 1/10,000 times the microwave vibration? You won't see even a bit of flesh left on your bones...I wonder bones may burn out too...."
She was thinking to resort to finger counting and then she realized that I had teased her... OMG flames are starting to blow out of her nostrils...wings are ready to spread...
Save My Soul.... We'll back next week with more interesting episodes of kitchen physics, she is chasing me!!..Cya all next week.
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